About Virginia DeBolt
This website is intended to introduce to you the books I've written. I do other kinds of writing on a daily basis. For years I maintained a web design and technology blog called Web Teacher. I've retired that one, mostly. My latest project is a pop culture blog called Old Ain't Dead. I continue to create writing prompts for writing practice at my blog First 50 Words.
HTML Books

I write books about HTML, CSS, Dreamweaver and other topics related to web design and front end development.
Read all about my web design books.
Write! Books

I wrote four books for teachers that help teach writing all across the curriculum using Cooperative Learning and multiple intelligences.
Find out more about the writing curriculum books.
Articles From Here and There
- At Digital Web Magazine: Web Design 101: Floats
- At Think Vitamin: Make Your Site Mobile Friendly
- At Wise Women: The Early Bird Catches the CSS: Planning Structural HTML
- At Wise Women: Ten Minutes to WML
- At Time Goes By: TGB Elder Geek, a twice-monthly series
- At My Online Business Journey: Tips for Disclosing Affiliate Links
- Ten Checkpoints of a Web Standards Based Curriculum
- New CSS Features in Dreamweaver CS3
- Achieve Accessibility with Dreamweaver
A modified reprint of the above article at Wise-Women.org - Why Do Bloggers Care About Web Standards?
- Twitter for Writers
- You and Your Stylesheet
- Standards and Accessibility with Dreamweaver
- HTML5 and Accessibility
- Accessibility (Interlab 2013)
You can contact me at virginia at vdebolt dot com.